Saturday, 13 October 2012

Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP

How to Setup a Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP

This will show you how to install Windows 7 and XP to dual boot with when you already have either Windows 7 or XP installed first.

Note Note
With a dual boot installaton, you will have two operating systems (OS) installed. When you start the computer, you will have the choice to choose which OS you would like to start up to. This method is the easiest way of doing a dual boot with these two operating systems.

Tip Tip
When dual booting with another OS (ex: Vista or XP), you may not always have that OS partition show up in Computer with a driver letter in Windows 7. If this happens, then you will just need to add a drive letter to the OS (ex: Vista or XP) partition in Windows 7 Disk Management for it to show up in Computer with a driver letter.

warning Warning
To stop XP from deleting your Windows 7 System Restore Points everytime XP is started, then see System Restore Points - Stop XP Dual Boot Delete to hide Windows 7 from XP.

Windows 7 Minimum Hardware Requirements
NOTE: For more information on this, see: Windows 7 system requirements
  • 1 GHz 32-bit or 64-bit processor
  • 1 GB RAM for 32-bit Windows 7 OR 2 GB RAM for 64-bit Windows 7
  • 16 GB available disk space 32-bit Windows 7 OR 20 GB for 64-bit Windows 7
  • Support for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MB memory (in order to enable Aero theme)
  • DVD-R/W Drive
  • Internet or phone access to activate Windows 7.
Windows XP Minimum Hardware Requirements
NOTE: For more information on this, see: System requirements for Windows XP operating systems
  • PC with 300 megahertz (MHz) or higher processor clock speed recommended; 233-MHz minimum required;* Intel Pentium/Celeron family, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron family, or compatible processor recommended
  • 128 megabytes (MB) of RAM or higher recommended (64 MB minimum supported; may limit performance and some features)
  • 1.5 gigabyte (GB) of available hard disk space.*
  • Super VGA (800 × 600) or higher resolution video adapter and monitor
  • CD-ROM or DVD drive
  • Keyboard and Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

EXAMPLE: Windows Boot Manager
NOTE: This is the boot screen where you select what operating system that you would like to start. By default, you have 30 seconds to choose another operating system before the default operating system will start automatically.
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-example.jpg


When XP is Installed First

NOTE: If you have a RAID setup, you will need to have the Windows 7 RAID drivers on a USB flash drive available to select and load while installing Windows 7.
1. Do step 2 or 3 below for where you wanted to install Windows 7 at.

2. To Create a New Partition from the XP Hard Disk Drive
A) With your Windows 7 installation disc boot into the Command Prompt from the System Recovery Options screen.
NOTE: Make sure that the CD/DVD drive is selected first in the boot order in the BIOS.

B) In the command prompt, select and shrink the XP volume by how many MB (1024 MB = 1 GB) you want to have for this Windows 7 partition. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: You would do steps 2 to 9 in METHOD TWO at that link. Windows 7 will need a minimum of 16 GB (16384 MB).
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-xp-w7_1.jpg
C) Click on the X at the top right corner to close the command prompt. (See screenshot above)

D) Click on the X at the top right corner to close System Recovery Options. (See screenshot below)
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-xp-w7_2.jpg
E) Go to step 4.
3. To Use a Separate Hard Disk Drive than the XP Drive
A) Boot from your Windows 7 installation disc.
NOTE: Make sure that the CD/DVD drive is selected first in the boot order in the BIOS.
4. Click on the Install now button. (See screenshot below)
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-xp-w7_3.jpg
5. When you get to this point, select the partition (step 2) or hard drive to install Windows 7 on. (See screenshot below)
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-xp-w7_4.jpg
6. Finish installing Windows 7.
NOTE: You would start at step 9 in that link to finish installing Windows 7.

7. When finished, restart the computer to have the option to boot from XP (Earlier Verision of Windows) or Windows 7. (See screenshot below)

Note Note
If you are only booting into Windows 7 and do not have XP listed in the Windows Boot Manager, then you can install only EasyBCD (step 8 Option Two below) to add XP (or Windows 7) while started in Windows 7 the same way to the boot list.
Click image for larger version

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When Windows 7 is Installed First

warning Warning

1. To Create a New Partition from the Windows 7 Hard Disk Drive
NOTE: If you want to install XP on a separate internal hard drive instead, then skip this step and go to step 2.
A) In Windows 7, select and shrink the Windows 7 volume in Disk Management by how many MB (1024 MB = 1 GB) you want to have for this XP partition. (See screenshots below)
NOTE: You would do all of Method One at that link.
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-w7-xp-1.jpg

Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-w7-xp-2.jpg

Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-w7-xp-3.jpg
2. Insert your XP installation disc, then restart the computer and press any key to boot from it when prompted. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: Make sure that the CD/DVD drive is selected first in the boot order in the BIOS.
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-step1.jpg
3. From XP Setup, Press Enter. (See screenshot below)

warning Warning
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-w7-xp-4.jpg
4. Press F8. (See screenshot below)
NOTE: On some multimedia keyboards, you may need to press the F-Lock or Function key before pressing F8.
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-w7-xp-5.jpg
5. Select the partition (step 1) or hard drive that you want to install XP on using the arrow keys and press Enter.
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-w7-xp-6.jpg
6. Finish installing XP.

Tip Tip
If you get Error loading Operating System after XP restarts:
  • Using your Windows 7 installation disc, boot to the command prompt at startup.
  • Type in these comands below, and press enter after each one.
    • bootrec /FixMbr
    • bootrec /FixBoot
    • bootrec /RebuildBcd
  • Exit the command prompt and restart the computer.
  • At this point, Windows 7 should boot up the same way before trying to install XP.
  • Continue to step 8 below and run EasyBCD from Windows 7 instead.

7. In XP, download and install .Net Framework 2.0 (32-bit) version or .Net Framework 2.0 (64-bit) version first, and EasyBCD (free version) for your 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86) XP.
NOTE: In XP, Net Framework is required to be installed to run EasyBCD. After you click on Register (at bottom of link) for the free EasyBCD, registration is not required to download it.

8. Run EasyBCD (free version).
NOTE: This is required to repair the Windows 7 boot file and add XP to the Windows Boot Manager list.

9. On the left side of EasyBCD, click on the Add New Entry button. (See screenshot below)
A) In the top section under Operating Systems, click on the Windows tab. (See screenshot below)
B) To the right of Type, select Windows NT/2k/XP/2k3 from the drop down menu. (See screenshot below)
WARNING: Be sure to leave the Automatically detect correct drive box checked.

C) To the right of Name, you can leave the default Microsoft Windows XP as the name to be displayed in the Windows Boot Manager, or you can type whatever name you would like to have instead. (See screenshot below)

D) Click on the Add Entry button. (See screenshot below)
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-w7-xp-7.jpg
10. On the left side of EasyBCD, click on the BCD Deployment button, select (dot) the Install the Windows Vista/7 bootloader to the MBR option, and click on the Write MBR button. (See screenshot below)
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-w7-xp-9.jpg
11. Close EasyBCD.

12. Restart the computer to have the option to boot from Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 7. (See screenshot below)
Dual Boot Installation with Windows 7 and XP-example2.jpg

Tip Tip
If Windows 7 will not start up when selected, then use your Windows 7 installation DVD to do a Startup Repair.
That's it,

Related Tutorials

Sunday, 7 October 2012

खामोश लम्हे..(लघु उपन्यास)

एक इंसान जिसने  नैतिकता की  झिझक मे  अपने पहले प्यार की आहुती दे दी और जो उम्र भर  उस संताप  को  गले मे डाले, रिस्तों का फर्ज निभाता चला गया। कभी माँ-बाप का वात्सल्य,कभी पत्नी का प्यार तो कभी बच्चो  की ममता  उसके पैरों मे  बेड़ियाँ बने  रहे। मगर इन सबके  बावजूद वो  उसे कभी  ना भुला सका जो  उसके  दिल के  किसी  कोने  मे सिसक  रही  थी। वक़्त  उसकी झोली  मे  वियोग की तड़प  भरता रहा………….                                        

कहाँ आसान है पहली मुहब्बत को भुला देना
बहुत मैंने लहू  थूका है  घरदारी बचाने में
                                                                          मुन्नवर राणा
(मैंने अपना ये लघु उपन्यास मशहूर शायर मुन्नवर राणा साहब के इस शेर से प्रभावित होकर लिखा है । जहां एक इंसान अपनी सामाजिक जिम्मेदारियों का निर्वाहण करते करते अपने पहले प्यार को अतीत की गहराइयों मे विलीन होते देखता रहा। मगर उम्र के ढलती सांझ मेन जाकर जब जिम्मेदारियों से हल्की सी निजात मिली तो दौड़ पड़ा उसे अतीत के अंधकूप से बाहर निकालने को.... 

अगर पढ़ने में कुछ दिक्कत हो तो आप इस लिंक से भी पढ़ सकते हैंखामोश लम्हे..

खामोश लम्हे..

Saturday, 28 July 2012

How to Block facebook

क्या आप अपने कंप्यूटर या लैपटॉप में बिना फायरवाल (Firewall ) के फेसबुक को
ब्लोक करवाना चाहते हैं ?

How to Block facebook without Firewall :-

1. Open My Computer or Computer
2. Go to C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\
3. Open file HOSTS in notepad
4. Add this :

Note: Use tab for spacing
5. Save it. If it doesn't allow you to save directly, save it as .txt and then rename hosts to hosts.old and then hosts.txt you've just created to hosts (no . after)

आपकी होस्ट स्क्रिप्ट में अगर पहले से कुछ है उसको रहने देना है , आप बस ये २ लाइन जोड़ देना

"By AKRajput"

Saturday, 26 May 2012

How to Make/Edit a movie with Windows Movie Maker in Windows

फोटो या मूवी क्लिप को जोड़कर मूवी कैसे बनाये ?

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use Windows Movie Maker (a highly video-editing software in Windows Vista) to edit and create movies.
In order to create or edit a movie, you must have a video file to work with. Let’s assume you imported 2 clips from your video camera and you’d like to join them together and add background music and transitions.
Open Windows Movie Maker by clicking on the Start orb – All Programs.
Click on the Import media button and select the two movie clips you want to work with.
Right click on the clip and select Add to timeline – do this for both clips.

Now that your clips are added to the timeline we can start modifying them. Note: to change the order of the clips on the timeline, left click on the clip and drag it whenever you wish.
Let’s add some background music. Click on Audio or Music in the Import Section and select an audio file.

Right click on the audio file and select “Add to timeline”.

Not what the audio file is added to the timeline, we can synchronize it with the two clips. To accomplish this, position your mouse at the beginning/ending of the audio file (2 red arrows should appear) and drag it to the desired position.

Next, let’s add a transition. Transitions make the passing from one clip to another look more aesthetic and professional. Click on the Transitions button, select a transition and preview it.

Once you find a transition that you like, left-click on it and drag it on the last clip in the timeline. You should end up with something similar in the picture bellow.

Besides adding a background sound and a transition, you can take this further and add Narrations, Credits and titles and other cool effects to your movie.
The last step in creating the movie is actually publishing the movie. Click on the Publish Movie button, select where you want to publish it and…you’re done!

और अधिक जानकारी के लिए निचे दिए गाते वीडियो की मदद लें .

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

गाँव में क्या है शहर से बढ़ कर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें
पनघट और चौपाल का मंज़र, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

गोरी, घटाएँ, घूंघट, गागर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें
शर्त है लेकिन ख़ूब संभल कर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

सादा जीवन, सच्चे सुख-दुख, गर्म ऑंसू, ठण्डी मुस्कानें
उमड़ा हुआ प्यार का सागर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

भूली-बिसरी तहज़ीबों के धुंधले-धुंधले नक्श-ओ-निगार
क्या-क्या है पुरखों की धरोहर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

शहरों में तो चढ़ जाता है पीतल पर सोने का पानी
कंगन, झुमके, पायल, झूमर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

सूरज रोज़ सवेरे उठकर करता है तैयार जिसे ख़ुद
तारों जड़ी वो चांद की चूनर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

हिन्दू-मुस्लिम मिल के मनाएँ, होली हो या ईद का मिलन
त्योहारों का रूप उजागर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

भेद-भाव से नाता तोड़ें लेकिन पक्के शेख़-ओ-बिरहमन
दोनों मिलेंगे एक डगर पर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

ऊँचे मकानों में न मिलेंगे, पीपल-बरगद-नीम के साए
चौखट-चौखट धूप के तेवर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

बच्चे-बूढ़े, नर और नारी, सब ही मिलें उल्लास से भरे
धरती की पूजा के अवसर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

बच्चे हमें देखें जो अचानक, मारे ख़ुशी के ताली बजाएँ
फेंक के साकित झील में कंकर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

दुनिया भर की सारी झीलें, ‘नूर’ निछावर हों सब जिस पर
ममता का वह मानसरोवर, चलिए चलकर गाँव में देखें

-कृष्ण बिहारी ‘नूर’

Monday, 21 May 2012

ऑनलाइन ततकाल टिकिट कैसे बुक करें -2

ऑनलाइन  ततकाल टिकिट कैसे बुक  करें
(Tips to get tatkal ticket from railway site )

Getting tatkal tickets from Indian Railways site is a difficult task.
This hub gives all tips that you will need to know to get tatkal tickets through online. You
can get tatkal ticket either through railway counters or through IRCTC. Getting tatkal
ticket from IRCTC is a tough task for trains with a lot of travelers. But considering the
difficulty of standing in queue in railway ticket counter in the morning itself, online
booking is easy.

Tatkal Tickets

Tatkal tickets are available only 1 day before the day of travel(earlier it was two days
before. According to recent regulations from IRCTC, tatkal tickets are available only
one day before the departure of train.). You can book these tickets either through
Railway reservation counters or through IRCTC site (Also there are some additional
means like using IRCTC mobile app. But the chance to get confirmed tatkal ticket is
less in other ways.). This hub gives ideas to book confirmed tatkal ticket through
IRCTC site.

Tatkal reservation starts only at 8 o clock in the morning of one day before the day of travel. So there will be a large number of people trying to access IRCTC site in that time (those who couldn't book in advance, and those who are looking for a ticket under emergency travel conditions. ). Hence it is very difficult to get ticket in that time. There will be many replays saying 'service not available' and other error messages because of the large number of people visiting the site at this peak time.
Tips to get Tatkal ticket
Use multiple accounts and time synchronization
Use many browsers and accounts(the more you have more better)
I expect you will have 2 or 3 web browsers like internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome etc installed in you computer. Create many accounts in IRCTC site (For creating an account you will need a separate mobile number) and log in using these accounts using different browsers.(Remember while creating these IRCTC accounts never use same phone number because it is not allowed to use multiple accounts). If you do not have more than one account, borrow your friends account. It is always better to have the most fast internet connection with you, as a large number of users are trying the more speed you have the more better it is.
Start early and do initial steps
Sync your computer time with IRCTC time
Remember to log in to IRCTC site 4 minutes before 8 o clock and make your system clock time and the time shown in IRCTC site the same this will hep you to track time and know exactly when 8 'o' clock is reached according to IRCTC timing. If you are logging in very early, try to keep your session active by clicking in differently links inside the site,otherwise by 8 o clock your session may expire. By some 7.59 am rest by selecting some link other than Plan My Travel link. Because at exactly 8.00 am in your computer (same as IRCTC time as you have synchronized it) you need to click Plan my Travel link and have to fill in the details.
Collect the required data before
You should have all the data that you need to be filled during the booking process along with you before you are starting. First one is the source and destination station codes. (remember the station codes for source and destination. If you do not know, search and find in advance. You can use Google for this purpose.). Now according to new regulation of IRCTC, they are asking for ID card number of at least one person. So you should enter ID card type and ID card number. Keep this with you. You can use autofilling addons for browsers or remember form field history option of browsers to make this data entry fast.
Booking process
First you have to find available trains, selecting source and destination of travel. After getting the list of trains, you have to select the train you want and click book button available. Then you will get a page to fill in the details of the person who is traveling. Now maximum number of people allowed to travel in one Tatkal ticket is 4 only. For filling in these details you can use auto fill add on in Firefox described in step 3. It will let you fill details of all passengers in one click. Then you have to select a payment option and make the payment through net banking, cards etc. But it is found that net banking is more fast compared to other ways. Also try with different banks on which you have account and find out the fastest one for booking.
Try using Quick book option (Now quick book is disabled between 8am to 9am . But you can use it in any other time.)
There is an option under services Quick book. Select this option. In this you can book ticket quickly provided you know the number of the train in which you want to travel. Fill this form quickly and press quick book button. It will go straightly to banking site without asking for any further verification an confirmation. But now for booking emergency tatkal it is of no use as it is not available between 8am and 9am-the peak time of tatkal booking. But if you are booking tatkal after 9.00am it is useful.
Using Auto fill addon in mozilla firefox
Now you may have found that the only time taking section in this tatkal booking process is the filling of details in form. This can be done in one second using autofill addon in mozilla firefox. So you have to install this addon earlier. You can add this to firefox in the link After installing this addon you have to fill the form and save it in the addon. Now during the booking time you have to simply right click in the page and select autofill of that page.
But right click is disabled in IRCTC site to enable that you have to run a javascript . Just type
in the address bar after coming to details entry page and press enter. Only after that you can right click on the page and select autofill the details that you have stored earlier for booking.
After following all these steps, everything is at your luck. Also remember to synchronize your system clock with IRCTC site time, and start booking exactly after 8.00 am. Because in the first minute itself traffic will raise tremendously. So the ones who try in the first seconds after 8.00am have good chance. Indian railway is one of the largest railway networks in the world. So the number of users using online ticket booking feature is also very high. As the number of users is very high always remember that each second that you are wasting, may put you in waiting list
Miscellaneous tips
Use non BSNL net connection and servers
1. Consider some more things about the internet connection that you are using. Most of the internet users in India are using BSNL net connection. So the traffic to IRCTC from BSNL servers will be very high. Hence try for other internet connections. If you have any friends outside India, tell them to book ticket for you from there, as they are accessing from different servers with less traffic to this particular site, they will face less problems like Service Unavailable reply.
2. Enable the low speed internet connection option in your browser (some browsers like opera have it) even though you are using high speed internet, during the booking time. This helps to load the page as data is receiving. This will help you to enter data even when page is loading.


ऑनलाइन ततकाल टिकिट कैसे बुक करें

Online Tatkal Train Ticket booking Tips and Tricks

1. Have you computer/internet ready

The Tatkal quota opens up at 8 am sharp only at IRCTC  while it opens at 9 am at other sites like So  occupy your computer by 7.30 am. Check your internet  connection open browsers
and login into them from  different accounts.

2. Sync your computer's time with Indian Rail Servers(Computers)You must sync it. Because if you press submit button before  8 am then you'll get an error and waster your time. If you press 
later, you dim your chances to book the Tatkal rail ticket. So  how to know the correct time?
  1. Go to this link. Type in any value(or 14553 ). Now press "Get Schedule". In the result scroll down to see the browser time. It is also shown in the following pictures:

  1. Train status windows
    rail server current time window
  2. Download Different Browsers

    Download & install different browsers on your computer: Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera. Now have at least 3-5 IRCTC logins of your relatives ready. Login from each browser using different login name. Also from each browser open another window with IRCTC login page with your login and password filled in. So if your login in Firefox does not work then from this another Firefox window login again just by pressing Submitting button.
  3. Get a auto form filling software

    For Tatkal every second counts. Save your time by having your login/passwords and other details filled automatically by single click. On Firfox you can use free add-ons like Auto Fill forms. If you want to pay up to Rs. 1400- 2000 then you can buy a more professional version like RoboForm. You can now book like professional IRCTC agent.
  4. Have Bank Account Ready - Never use ICICI Bank's account

    Use the bank account which requires minimum inputs. SBI and HDFC's are one of the best. Check the IRCTC payment gateway statistics and avoid using those banks whose transactions mostly fail. For example in this list you'll see that Rajasthan Bank's Netbanking success rate is only 39%! While ITZ Cash Card is has the highest success rate among all channels. Never ever use ICICI Bank account. You'll never be able to book a Tatkal using it. Avoid account of Yes bank because for payment it sends one password on your mobile which can get delayed.
  5. Get your train details ready

    Have ready the source/destination station codes. You'll need to click "Plan your travel" link to proceed. You need only max 4 characters station codes in it. Find the station codes from here. Mind you when you login, "Plan My Travel" is opened ready for you. Just fill the station codes in the "From" and "To". Select Date, Ticket Type and Quota(Tatkal here). Click "Find Trains" button only after 8 am sharp.


  1. You can login only single account from any browser. Use different browser for different login
  2. Mind you Quick Book is disabled for Tatkal in the morning. Don't use it.
  3. Never click a link twice. IRCTC site will give error and you'll need to relogin.
  4. Reload/F5 may be used only once if your request has not reached IRCTC computer servers. Say when you pressed Submit and at that time internet was disconnected then, safely you can retry form submission after reconnection. Otherwise your login session will be closed by IRCTC.
  5. If the network is very slow wait for some time ( 4 minutes). Never press refresh or F5. Rather login into the same account again from IRCTC login page by opening another window of your browser.
  6. Since lacs of people are trying to book at the same time so the site response will be very slow. But wait for at least 4-5 minutes before you relogin into the same browser
  7. Always wait for the page to load completely before you press any buttons. Check the browser status bar or other places of indication of page load.
  8. After you've made payment if your site does not load while redirecting to IRCTC in 5 minutes then press F5 only once. Sometimes this will work.
  9. If you've made payment then if you've set SMS alerts in your bank account, then you'll get SMS in your mobile about the payment.
  10. If your payment is made but disconnected or page did not load for ticket confirmation, then immediately check your e-mail id(given in IRCTC login) and see if you've received any ticket confirmation e-mail from IRCTC. Don't use Rediff e-mail accounts since it may delay e-mail notifications by couple of minutes.
  11. Have somebody site beside you to oversee the details you fill in. since in hurry it is very easy to make mistake and lose precious ticket.
  12. Right clicks are disabled in IRCTC site while you fill the form details
  13. Don't do copy paste of values as it may create problems in IRCTC site while filling form details.
  14. The best way to get Tatkal ticket is to go to Railway station early( before 7.30 am) and be first in the queue and get the ticket from the counter . Getting from online is more like a lottery for most of the trains.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Remote Control Your Computer With Your Phone

अपने मोबाईल से कण्ट्रोल कीजिये अपना लैपटॉप PC

1. On your computer

Install the Unified Remote server application on your computer. This will allow your device to connect and communicate to your PC on your home network. Requires Windows and .NET Framework 4.
Setup v2.3 (msi) Setup v2.3 (zip) Portable v2.3 (zip)

2. On your device

Get the Unified Remote client application from the Google Play. Connect to your PC and control Media Playback, Mouse, Keyboard, PowerPoint, and much more. See features comparison.
Free v2 Full v2

3. Support HopeHIV

We are currently redirecting all of our donations to HopeHIV. Click the badge below to find out more!
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Latest Reviews

  • bitsandchips Unified Remote: Remote Control turns your smartphone.
  • Unified Remote Android App that lets you control your Computer from your Android phone.
  • Unified Remote Control For Android
  • A must try out app for all Android lovers.
  • Setup simplicity, general intuitiveness and attention to detail make Unified Remote highly recommended and an essential part of my home theater setup.
  • of the best Android apps to help you give you complete remote control of your PC
  • Read more reviews

  • Server (Windows)

    App (Android)

    All released versions of the server are available. Only use old versions if you are experiencing problems with the latest released version.
    • Version 2.3.0
      Download as: msi or zip or portable
    • Version 2.2.0
      Download as: msi or zip or portable
    • Version 2.1.2
      Download as: msi or zip
    • Version 2.1.1
      Download as: msi or zip
    • Version 2.1.0
      Download as: msi or zip
    • Version 2.0.2
      Download as: msi or zip
    • Version 2.0.1
      Download as: msi or zip
    • Version 2.0.0
      Download as: msi or zip
    • Version 1.0.2
      Download as: exe or zip
    Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server Server
    Server Server Server Server Server Server

    1. On your computer

    You should first download and install the Unified Remote Server application on the computer you wish to control. Simply download, install, and start the application. The settings window provides: status and general settings, connection configuration (TCP, UDP, Bluetooth, etc), security (Password, Encryption), remote specific configuration, log, and about.

    Once everything is configured, you can close the server window, since the application will continue to run in your system tray. You can always open the server window again by either right-clicking or double clicking the Unified Remote icon.

    2. On your device

    Next you should download and install the Unified Remote app on your device. The app is available on the Android Market. Simply search for 'Unified Remote' developed by 'Unified Intents'. Once the application running, follow the in app instructions. The dashboard offers quick access to all the main parts of the app.

    3. Servers

    New manager and bluetooth support. Easy to use server manager, automatic detection or manual entry, easy selection of paired bluetooth devices.
    Server Servers Servers

    4. Connection

    Improved stability and troubleshooting. Clear notifications regarding connection loss and errors, new diagnostics tool for troubleshooting connectivity issues and errors.
    Connection Connection Diagnostics

    5. Integration

    Improved phone integration. Providing easy access to mouse and keyboard using menu or on-screen swipe gestures, all new system keyboard support, hardware volume control, and phone events.
    Mouse Keyboard Mouse Preferences

    6. Remotes

    Many new remotes. Focusing on advanced control of applications. All new remotes for: Boxee, iTunes, Media Player Classic, Media Portal, Start Menu, Winamp, VLC, XBMC. Significant improvements to all previous remotes. More to come!
    Remotes Remotes Remotes

    7. Shortcuts

    Directly to remotes. Create shortcuts to your favorite remotes on your home screens.
    Shortcuts Shortcuts Shortcuts

    8. Wake On Lan

    Built-in wake on lan functionality. Easy to use Wake On Lan feature in Power remote. Configured using Broadcast IP and target MAC Address.
    Wake On Lan Wake On Lan Wake On Lan

    9. Troubleshooting

    If you have any problems, then please start by reading our FAQ. If you are unable to find a solution to your problem there, then please contact us.